Monday, April 30, 2007


Because I love to cook and eat food and would like to share my fave haunts, recipes and tips with friends and family. Because I was tired of being deleted and censored from food sites and message boards (that will remain unnamed) because my reviews were too critical or overly exuberant. Because sending a blog link is faster than emailing all my restaurant rec's to friends and family whenever they travel anywhere I have been to and ask where they should go eat. Because I see some foods I love being "butchered" in mainstream press and TV, and would like to provide accurate information.


I will be reviewing restaurants -- mostly in LA where I am based; sharing recipes on everything but particularly on rare, overlooked ingredients I think have enormous potential; and providing general tips on eating well and healthy when you're always on the go -- from planning a dinner party and what are good "potluck-friendly" dishes to what I pack for lunch on a weekday.

Enough about me. Let's talk food!

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