Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Move Over Pinkberry, Yogurtland is in Town

I was never a huge Pinkberry fan so I was glad Yogurtland came to the rescue. Yogurtland is self-service, has more flavor and topping options -- and as if that weren't enough, it's cheaper too.

To be sure, not all of its many flavors were winners. I think the only ones worth having are taro and maybe peanut butter. I haven't tried the kahlua but all the others, including mango, lychee and green tea didn't do it for me.

Because it has self-serving machines, you have the cool option of having half and half for every other flavor offered. Remember those old soft ice cream dispensers? You get to play with those! After you add as little or as much as you'd like, you choose from an array of dry (mochi, corn flakes and jelly beans, among others) and wet toppings.

The wet toppings were the usual suspects such as mangos, berries, kiwis, etc. But by far the best topping was the sweetened red bean, although it could have been a little more syrupy. To recap, my favorite combination was the taro topped with red beans, mango, blackberries and bananas. It was almost like my favorite Korean summer dessert, patbingsoo except it didn't have the slushy shaved ice. Still pretty satisfying.

You could taste as many flavors beforehand. It was only 30 cents per ounce, so it ended up being a drop in the bucket compared to the Pinkberrys and Red Mangos of the world. This chain is also Korean-owned but don't think it originated in Korea.

Multiple locations
130 South Central Avenue (Little Tokyo)
Los Angeles, CA 90012


  1. thanks for the afternoon pick-me-up yogurt run, ctg!

  2. my favorite combo is taro and banana-strawberry with fresh banana toppings -- yummy.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. absolutely delightful. perfect after sush or bbq lunch or dinner at little tokyo. price so reasonable and selection is amazing. don't miss out.

  5. I love Yogurt Land! If you ever go back to Little Tokyo, down the street near Yogurt Land, there's an awesome Japanese restaurant! People were waiting outside to eat there. The food really is good too.

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