Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cooking: Enoki Mushrooms A-La DK

Of all the different mushrooms out there, enoki mushrooms don't get a lot of love. They're rarely the protagonist of a meal, often relegated to garnish or topping for miso soup. So I wanted to share a very quick and easy recipe that requires a package of enoki mushrooms (the thin, white mushrooms with a tiny bulb on top), a teaspoon or so of soy sauce, some green onions and, gasp, mayonnaise.

Before you get grossed out and change the channel, just try a small dollop of mayo into the mix and see how you're surprised by the marriage of soy sauce and mayo. It's actually pretty good.

I can't take credit for the recipe. It's from an old friend, DK, who made it for me a long time ago. You can sprinkle some sesame seeds for some nuttiness.

Here's the easy as pie recipe:
  1. Cut the roots off the mushroom, wash and separate them.
  2. Sautee the mushrooms in a pan with some vegetable oil.
  3. Add the soy sauce and mayo, sauteing for another minute.
  4. Sprinkle diced green onions and sesame seeds and then it's itadakimas! Bon appetit!

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