Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cooking: You'll Become Addicted to This All-Purpose Dressing (Like Yours Truly)

I never thought I'd like something that has an ingredient called nutritional flake yeast in it. Sure, I was skeptical from the beginning when a friend extolled the virtues of this amazing salad dressing that she had at a health spa. I now swear by it.

She agreed to make some for a recent dinner party I hosted. She brought some deliciously grilled green beans mixed with cauliflower and peas. They were good by themselves but when drizzled with this magic dressing-cum-sauce, those veggies became excellent.

She was nice enough to bring me a big batch, so it has lasted me a while as I pretty much have poured it on anything and everything from arugula salad to pan-fried tofu.

What I like most about this dressing is that its flavor packs a punch. The cider vinegar and garlic give it tanginess and tons of garlic goodness, and it's hard to go wrong with tamari, which tastes similar to soy sauce.

The only drawback may be finding some of the ingredients but I'm sure health stores would have it if you can't find them in the usual suspects.

Thanks to DS for introducing me to this gem. 

It turns out this dressing is also good for you (rich in vitamin B) and is versatile (can be made with less fluid and a little corn flour to spread on toast or as a topping for many meats or vegetables). In short, the sky's the limit!

Without further ado, here's the recipe courtesy of Hollyhocks Cooks.


1/2 cup nutritional flake yeast (not brewers yeast, this kind of yeast grows on molasses. Look for yeast flakes such as "Red Star" brand)
1/3 cup of water
1/3 cup of tamari (read label to make sure it is gluten free. Try to find tamari since regular soy sauce or Bragg's doesn't taste quite the same)
1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons crushed garlic
1 1/2 cups of canola or sunflower oil (less for thicker consistency. Don't use extra virgin olive oil as the flavor is too strong)

1. In a blender add the yeast, water, tamari, cider vinegar and garlic. Blend for a minute or so until everything comes together.
2. With the blender running, remove the lid and slowly add the oil (in a thin, steady stream).

This will taste better if allowed to sit in the fridge for a while. Shake well before each use.


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