Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cooking: Rossejat, a Noodly Alternative to Paella

I love paella but I must say, I have yet to make what I consider to be the perfect paella, so when I ran across this paella alternative, rossejat de fideos, a Catalonian dish that uses angel hair pasta noodles instead of rice, I decided to try it. I was surprised at how easy it was to make (especially compared with ric paella) and how good it tasted.

I used a recipe in Jose Andres' Tapas cookbook but this one I found online is basically the same except it uses lobster and carrots while mine used monkfish and shrimp. 

The recipe in the book I used also called for fish stock and used sofrito, that onion and tomato mix that you stew forever as a base for paellas and such.

I'm sure you could substitute fish stock for water in this recipe too, if you'd like the noodles to have more flavor.

It's fantastic with some refreshing white wine and some green beans with jamon serrano (then again, hard to go wrong with jamon serrano). Buen provecho!

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