Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cooking: A Tuna Melt Hummus Sandwich? Yes!

I feel like I've been coming up with decidedly un-photogenic concoctions but I swear they taste better than they look or sound (eg., smoked salmon + peanut butter). This tuna and hummus combination is a case in point. Ok, it's not really cooking anything but sometimes you just have to grab and go, right?

I fully admit it doesn't look appetizing one bit. But spread some hummus on whole wheat bread (preferably toasted) and top with some canned tuna and it makes for just the right amount of saltiness. I didn't want to use mayo with my tuna so I tried hummus and to my surprise, it was good. I've also tried mixing tuna with soy mayo, aka Nayonaise, and plain nonfat yogurt, both of which were good but I wanted to mix it up a bit and try something different.

I have one slice of bread at a time as an open-faced sandwich because a whole 2-slice sandwich is too much to have in one sitting.

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