Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rant of the Week: Hold the Salt Please

I've been trying out some of the DineLA joints this week and have been consistently disappointed so far. What's the deal with restaurants pouring too much salt on everything?

Take this bucatini all'amatriciana, for instance, at Culina (review pending). It looked so promising but take one bite and it's drowning in salt. That's what the bacon is for! Don't oversalt, people. I know it's supposed to raise your revenue by having customers order more drinks but that's not cool. I can't tell you how many times I've made stuff at home and realized how unsalty a dish could be despite having added a lot of salt -- which led me to wonder just how much salt restaurants actually add to food.

I couldn't finish the pasta but I was able to enjoy it more after I topped it with an oozing over-easy egg -- unsalted, of course.

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